I'll be honest This my first time playing a game in the infamous series, I heard good things and seeing it during Sony E3 conference got me really wanting this game, but after playing this game I realized their our some really big flaws to this game, I know a lot of people might like this game and That's great everyone's entitled to their opinion but at least agree with me and say this was probably definitely not the best in the series.
Story: So the Story is a lot like Xmen basically their our special types of people who have super powers they are known as Conduits, normal people our scared of these type of people so in a response to keep the conduits in check their is a department known as the Department of unified protection, they take all conduits and lock them off from society and even sometimes experiment on them, The story starts with our main protaganist Delsin who is tagging a wall and his brother Reggie who is a police officer sees this goes over to him and after a breif argument an armored vehicle full of conduits crash, after this Delsin grabs onto one of them to stop him but ends up absorbing his power and comes to a shocking conclusion, that he is a conduit, after chasing after the conduits and all the commotion starts to boil down the leader of the DUP known as Brooke Augustine investigates the area and questions Delsin you have a choice to make you can tell Augustine everything or say nothing and she will go after the tribe it dosen't matter which choice you pick the same thing will happen. You will wake up in a bed to find out that you have completley healed from Augustines attack because of your conduit powers but the rest of the tribe has not healed in order to heal the tribe Delsin and reggie have a plan to find augustine and take her powers to be able to heal the tribe, this is the main plot of the story, the story is pretty meh and it dosent help that later on their is a lot of padding too it.
Presentation:This is definitely a great looking game it's another game that shows what the PS4 is capable of and it does look fantastic, but other then that their really isn't much things to say that is great with the presentation, for one most of the cities all look the same not much detail to them the soundtrack is nothing to ride home about Delsin is annoying as hell and what a shame, because Troy Baker dubs him and he does a good job but the real problem is the people who wrote the dialogue for him, its cheap and tawdry and I think what they were going for is a protagonist that sounded like Nathan Drake from uncharted but their is a difference Nathan Drake is actually cool and has charm too him while Delsin just sounds like some wannabe loser, The presentation is nothing special,
Gameplay: The gameplay is a beat em up its pretty simple like most beat em ups in fact it might be a little bit too simple basically the main gameplay aspect is destroying DUP bases and other similar missions in fact most of these missions our repetitive and feel like a waste of time. Throughout the game you will be able to absorb new powers some of these are really cool but as you progress further in the game you start to notice that they most of the powers seem to feel the same and have a lot of similarities, so they got lazy with this also. In the game you will have choices to be the good guy or the bad guy these choice literally have no effect on the game besides having small little perks for the side you choose that are barley even noticeable. Lets talk about the combat literally the worst thing about this game. First off its a mix of being able to shoot and actually attack with a weapon, what a stupid idea! these are two completely conflicting ideas that shouldn't belong together, whats the point of fighting in a gun fight? The big problem with the combat is a lot, first off the actual fighting part to the combat is weak if you go against many DUP officers you wont stand a chance because Delsin's attacks do literally nothing it takes forever just to take one guy down and while you are taking one guy down others will be shooting at you and they will literally take you down in seconds, that fair! so to try and heal you must run away and you will literally will have to run away for a long time or they will follow you this could of been fixed if you could find cover and shoot while you heal underneath that cover, Their was a cover system in previous Infamous installments why did they get rid of it in this one? I'll tell you why because Sucker Punch got FU#$ing lazy! just like they did with the rest of the game! The combat is garbage, lazy tacked on garbage! The boss battles aren't any better either literally every single one I played was absolute garbage not one that was close to being good and you know why because of the Fu$%king combat! This is not something hard to do beat em ups are some of the most used games in the gaming industry and most of them at least have decent combat, this is the best you can do with the combat!? The gameplay as If i need to say anymore is utter trash.
(Spoiler Alert) Right before you face Augustine she attacks Reggie and you must try to pull him up from the edge as you do he is being absorbed by Augustine's attack this is a very sad moment going on and unfortunately for Delsin it's the end of Reggie this moment for me was not a very sad part for me and I will tell you why, During most of the game your moments with Augustine are very strange because Augustine's motivation seems to be unknown its almost seems like shes actually nice to Delsin in some cut scenes this is why I feel this part is tacked on and forced because while Augustine may be the antagonist in the game sometimes it doesn't feel that way, play the game and you will know what I mean. The final boss battle is with Augustine and guess what it sucks The first part is generic as hell shoot and kick and not only that but I found myself in a wall during the battle also so their our even glitches in the battle. The second part of the battle is the big one you absorb her powers and must avoid her to be able to use them oh boy this was really a good idea! After you beat her depending on what side you chose good or bad you will get a certain ending the good ending all the conduits will be set free and coexist with people and you will be a hero to the akomish people, this is a pretty good ending and then the bad ending where all the conduits will be set free and wreak havoc and then once you come back to the akomish people they will will present a valid point and say that you killed people and that you are not a part of the akomish tribe they don't want Delsin's help to heal so in return Delsin uses his special powers to destroy them, really great ending huh? why did he even care about them if he was evil?
Overall Infamous SS rubbed me the wrong way I just felt like it was lazy, look if you like it fine but I just feel like this game could have been a lot better. Come on Sony step it up with your exclusives.