InFamous is a fun and exciting sandbox that is very good and sucks you in!

User Rating: 8 | inFamous PS3
** If you don't care about some extra info, go the bottom**

The game is fun and exciting, as already said, a sandbox, based around a bomb going off in a city and it is now quarantined and there are many sick and dying people, but you, the main character, Cole, have a power given to you from the bomb going off! Yep, you probably guessed...flying?Super strength? BEING THE HULK!

NO, you can shoot lighting from your body (mostly arms and legs).

Anyway, here we go.

Graphics: Pretty good.
Gameplay: Fun, medium paced.
glitches: many visual glitches, nothing that will really affect you much.
the worse so far for me is (maybe happen once in the entire game for me) falling through a wall.
Enemies: Vary between land areas, and get harder as you change areas. For the whole game they are very limited.
Abilities: You upgrade abilities throughout the game and they become very useful, you can buy upgrade for certain abilities with EXP, which you get for various things throughout the game.

Extra Info: Throughout the game you have choices to make (Good/bad) that will change who citizens react to you.

being good or bad is in six ranks:
Good: (least to greatest)


good or bad doesn't change the story that much, but it changes side missions and some abilities

Being "good", in my opinion, is harder, because if you hurt civilians they run away thus your slightly deducted from the scale.
but being good does give you a sense of being liked, even if it is a game.

Being Bad looks really cool and gives you sense of being a rebel, being feared, and non-intimidate-able

if you like climbing and jumping across roofs, flying, lighting from your body, saving, or being feared, by people (in the game lol) then you should love this game