Unfortunately,I expected more from inFAMOUS.While not being flawless this is still a great game offering plenty of fun.
This game's strongest point is it's richness.Richness in mission types,in the types you approach the missions,in powers and so on.It is also exciting to have collectables in the game to make you have much power like in Spider-Man games.Karma system is also exciting.As exciting as combat in game.This is your choice to be evil or good.It depends on how you act in the game.Cut-scenes and voice acting are perfect.Another interesting fact is flying.It would be much better to fly upwards not downwards.this is somewhat annoying as it will take you time to climb high buildings though climbing is the richest part in the game.You can also go on electric wires faster than anything in the game.Boss fights aren't that much though interesting.The game length is ok the difficulty is ok but you must be careful.There are surely some annoying things in the game which change the whole experience.Overall this is great game due to it's combat and incredible richness.Some annoying things prevent it from being a perfect game.