Great new IP, worth your time
Infamous is exactly what one wants in an open world super-hero game, and since Cole has just gotten his powers u progress along with him. Its very rewarding along the way to learn new powers and reek havoc or help others. Thats where the morality system comes in, Cole has to decide what kind of responsibility he has, does he look out for himself or help others because he can, is he good Cole or Evil Cole? The only negative i found with the moral system is that is forces you in a way to make the same good or evil decision everytime because u get more positive or negative Karma and become more powerful. Theres a difference with being good and evil in your powers because Good Cole has more regenarative and controllling powers while Evil Cole can wreak havoc and decimate enemies. Thats just nitpicking though because Infamous makes it up with a great story thats worth the ride.
Playing as Cole for me was a wonderful experience, the way he moves, climbs, attacks, etc, everything is done so well and in such a fluid way that its never a chore to be Cole. Theres also side missions that add to the experience and blast shards to collect that give u more health. Replay value is also there because u can experience the opposite karma of Cole and replaying this game for the Platinum trophy or because u just enjoy it is still worth it.
Overall, i have to say that Infamous is great game and worthy of every PS3 owner playing it because u will have a blast in doing so and enjoy a superhero game the way its supposed to be played.
My only question is one many have wondered, who wins in a fight Good Cole or Evil Cole? Enjoy this game