Infamous is a break through game and a very great one at that. This open world action game is an instant classic and fun

User Rating: 8.5 | inFamous PS3
Infamous is a break through game and a very great game over all. This open world action game is and instant classic and very fun. There is lots of great platforming and very exciting combat. Cole's electrical super poweres are amazing and are very fun to use on your enemies. The bosses and enemies are great and very cool to battle with. There are three gangs and three main bosses. This is a challenging game, especially on the harder difficulty levels. There are a good variety of enemies, but I wish there were more boss fights. More boss fights would have been nice. The game play and the enemies are not at all repetitive, as variety is the key to this spectacular game. Cole has lots of great electrical super poweres and he has a very good meelee attacks. Infamous has a great up grade system, as you can upgrade Cole's powers, health, and meelee attack. Infamous has a fairly long play through as there are 34 story missions, lots of side missions, lots of collectables, and free roam is great too.

Game Play: 9 out of 10
Graphics: 8 out of 10
Combat: 9 out of 10
Sound Design: 8.5 out of 10
Controlls: 9 out of 10
Replay Value: 8 out of 10
Boss Fights: 8 out of 10
Story: 7 out fo 10
Presentation: 8.5 out fo 10
Enemies: 7.5 out fo 10
Enemy variety: 8 out of 10
Fun Factor: 8.5 out of 10
Collectables: 8.5 out of 10
Story Missions: 9 out of 10
Side Missions: 8 out of 10
Free Roam: 8 out of 10
Cole's powers: 9 out fo 10
Meelee attacks: 7.5 out fo 10
Feeling of being a superhero: 9 out of 10

Over all I rate this awesome and very great open world action game 8.7 out of 10. I can't wait for Infamous 2. Come on 2011.