Loved the Demo but not so much the real game...strange...

User Rating: 8 | inFamous PS3
This is another game driven by hype and dam good commercials and I bought right into it and I am sure that most of you have as well. Don't get me wrong the game is not a bad game but it could have been much better.

Let's take it apart and let's start with the story. I have to agree that it's quite good but it is very hard to understand right off the bat. This makes the game hard to follow. It feels like they had one story in mind at the start of the game and then changed it near he end. What they did right is the way they told the story. They hit the mark when they decided to tell the story in motion comic book style. That is a fresh way to tell a story and I connected well to the VoiceOver.

The graphics in the game are Ok, not great but Ok. The main character however is well designed. The city is all ok but I was never a fan of cartoony looking buildings. The is also some errors when climbing some structures. One thing that I enjoyed was finding the tallest structure and the jumping off it and see how much damage I could do.

The world is not a free roaming world which makes getting off track impossible. At times I do not feel like following orders like a good dog. Sometimes I feel like exploring the world and discover what it is like to love there. But you cannot. Free roaming is an illusion. What you get is a linear world, go here and do that. Not much is left for the player to wonder.

The super powers are not very impressive and neither are the sub missions. Some of the powers are good but it looked like the game creators had no imagination. The only power I found cool was the drop attack.

The sub-missions are all repetitive, but I did like the search and find the package sub-mission. As a matter of fact it was so repetitive that I gave up at around day 14. I turned to YouTube to tell me the rest of the story.

There is one point that I would like to make before I conclude the review. The NPCs exist in the world for cosmetic reasons and do not matter which is sad because they could have made good addition to the story. A hero works for the people and the people give the hero strength...know what i mean?

Overall it was an ok game. Perhaps I expected too much.

I hope that number 2 is better.