User Rating: 10 | inFamous PS3
I Mean what can i say about this game really but WOW...i mean from beginning to end this game blew me away..from the visual effects..voice...story play...and everything else. when i first played the demo i didnt think it was going to be that hot of a game but man was i WRONG. Sony deff. got my money when they put that demo out. The game is highly addictive i would find my self passing up meals just to play this game ( and meals is something i just dont pass up like that)

Pros: Hella good game play....sickining storyline.....great use of the enviroment...enough sidemissions to keep you busy....not a short game which is a good thing

Cons: Some occasional gliches but what game doesnt have those?

My bottom line is BUY THIS GAME!! support it...i really hope they come out with a sequel to this cause its in more then need of one!