Actually, this is the first sandbox game I've played that I haven't hated with a passion. Especially the GTA series. Unlike other sandbox games the time between missions doesn't seem completely pointless...unlike killing hookers and stealing their cash. The controls for game are much more responsive and intuitive than most 3rd person games. It makes tracking/engaging enemy targets and interacting with the environment much more fluid. As far as scaling walls and hurdling across roof tops game has ever done a better job. The character models for the villains are a bit silly though, and they don't fit well with the overall environment and feeling of the game. The have that new new stylized cartoon character feel that is so popular in kids cartoons now, which has no place in the graphic novel type world that is inFAMOUS. I don't want to give much way, so I'll leave you with one parting thought. If you're a GTA/sandbox game hater (like me) do yourself a favor and at least d/l the demo...if you give it a fair shake I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised. I know I was.
Sucker Punch, who developed the Sly Cooper games for the PS2, brought a lot of the best from the thieving series to their new IP inFamous; and it turns out the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. In inFamous,... Read Full Review
When the previews for InFamous first came out I honestly did not have much interest. A protagonist that can use electricity? I already did that in The Force Unleashed. Well, after the positive reviews the game received a... Read Full Review