Sony has final made a surge of power and greatness in the new exclusive for the PS3 infamous.

User Rating: 10 | inFamous PS3
I heard of infamous many years before the game truly hit the entertainment world and I sadly pushed it by thinking the Sony would have another flop, but I was wrong they his gold electric gold. This superhero game is all it is met to be exploration, fighting, and Good and Evil. You tack on a regular delivery boy who becomes extraordinary from a large explosion that gives Cole his electric powers. The story takes place on a large scale three island city of empire city were after the huge biological explosion the city is shut down an locked up in quarantine as the city is launched in to turmoil a Hero or Villan rices from the ashes. You quickly get a hold of your powers and start riping into cars and people or saving them. The quest are finely tuned and not repetitive at all, if you blasting through the sewers or grinding on electric wires infamous has a large voracity of missions. The combat is highly addictive and will never get boring just blasting a bad guy with electricity or shocking the surrounding water. When you play this game guns and cars don't mater because power is all what it comes down to, because sukerpuch only gives you Coles power and that means no guns but whats greater a bullet or lighting. Movement in the game is assassin creed on crack you will bounced leap and scale with ease the movement is so fluid its like the city moves with you and that is just cool. Infamous provides a vivaed and twisting story lines that will test you feelings for good and evil and the choices you make do effect the world big scale If you are good the city will start cleaning it's self up and evil it will crumble under your power and every civilian will act differently towards you and your choices. This game offers hours of fun but like every game can have small but noticeable problems with electricity flowing through you body you can be dragged to walls and attach latch which is amazingly;y good but bad if trying to his a specific point in the middle of the building. Though with all in consideration this is a must own game it's fun addictive and re playable. I recommended this to everyone any one brush off the ps3 and play Infamous.