The stuff super heroes/villains are made of
the best things about the game are like i said before, the powers and the surprisingly enthralling story that pulls you in slowly but, once it has you , it is sure to keep you for hours. the mobility of the character is amazing also.
It reminds me of assassins creed mixed it with a bit of spider man 2 the movie game. you can climb everything in the game and ride the roofs of cars and the train , even the train tracks. you really do get a sense of a super powered being in this game. I think that is what this game does the best, it makes you feel powerful and the way the environments and the enemies react to your power is wonderful. By the end of the game the power you wield is jaw dropping. its really the kind of thing you want to show off to your friends when they come over.
The side quests are unlocked as you go through the main story so you always have new ones and they are a lot of fun. some of them really let you cut loose and use your powers to the max.
This game deserves a 9 but im pretty sure i know why it did not get a 10. For one the main character is almost magnetized to things. when he jumps it is almost like the objects are pulling you too them and that can cause you to land on or near things you did not intend which may cause i frustrating loss.
The game feels very glitchy at times and i hope a patch is released to fix all the clipping and collision issues that pop up randomly. The story is really good but is very neutral at points and even though they try to make you think that its going to be almost a completely different story on the second play really is not. there is new dialogue but.. its pretty much the same. but these are all things that might annoy you for a second but will not upset you enough to ruin your fun.
This is a fun game. I played it through twice and enjoyed it even more the second time and i rarely ever do that. if you like a fun game with a great story and presentation that has plenty of replay value(who does not want that?) or want to feel powerful or are a big fan of super hero "Static Shock" then this game will really put a shock in your system....that is to say that you will find what you were looking for and then some.