There are many reasons why i like Infamous. Like the Storyline i mean that is a work of genous i like how he got his powers and how he has a choice of saving the city or destroying it. Secondly why i like this game is his electric powers i liked how you can stay your distance and just zap your enemies or just innocent people walking around the city. Thirdly why i like this game is the enemies the enemies aren't too easy and aren't too hard so it's just right for the game. one reason why i didn't like the game was the controls it seemed was too hard to control this guy it took a while to understand how it worked. Even thought the game had a couple of flaws it ended up being a really great game that every Playstation 3 owner should have now or in the Future and I hope that they make a sequel.
Sucker Punch, who developed the Sly Cooper games for the PS2, brought a lot of the best from the thieving series to their new IP inFamous; and it turns out the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. In inFamous,... Read Full Review
When the previews for InFamous first came out I honestly did not have much interest. A protagonist that can use electricity? I already did that in The Force Unleashed. Well, after the positive reviews the game received a... Read Full Review