Infamous is the unique super hero or super villain tale of Cole MacGrath that takes places in Empire City a fictional open world environment. Empire city has been hit by a bomb called the ray sphere and now has been turned into a post-apocalyptic playground. I bought Infamous the month it came out and I beat the game many times and then the game collected dust on my shelf. A big thing about infamous is it has a medium amount of replay value because of its good and evil story ending that take around 16 hours to complete the good and evil campaigns , but after you beat them both you have seen the whole game. It would have been nice for a neutral game ending. I did not think about Infamous often after I beat it the second time, until Sony announced its welcome back program would include Infamous. I was reminded of Infamous so, I brushed the dust off. I started a new game and the first thing I noticed was the great comic book cut scenes. I loved how Infamous integrated comic book and next gen in a game. I felt that I was watching a comic book on my TV. Cole is a very fluid motioned super hero but his controls can take some getting used to. In later parts of the game precise movement is key and the clunky controls can make you fall in the water and die. Unlike movement the controls shine in the combat. Cole was giving super human abilities to control electricity by a bomb called the ray sphere. So, naturally he would use them to save or destroy the city. Aiming feels natural and is with L1 and the firing is with R1 and later more and more destructive abilities become available. There are plenty of badies to bolt and bosses to shock and Infamous and your good or bad karma effects how you go about dispatching enemies. The open world environment creates a very real post-apocalyptic environment that has many fun spots to visit, and how the running and jumping focuses on vertical play makes for some really interesting platforming. This open world environment is not too big so you can never get really lost. There are many problems with this open world environment though. A thing that you will notice right of the bat is people getting stuck in place or running it to walls. This is not a game breaker but it is not naturally to see. Another problem is sometimes even when you have a positive karma rating people will run up to you and punch you for no reason. This is really annoying when you are trying to do a task that takes precision. Those are two of the big problems with the open world. Another area that has problems is the karma system. The bad karma powers over power the good and it makes playing good karma not as fun. If it was fix a little I wouldn't mind, but the way it is now being bad is very good. Another thing I would like to touch up on is the character models. The models could use more touching up on because some of them look half done. The last bad thing about Infamous is its repetitive side quest. There could have been a bunch more variety to the side missions. The thing that is great about the characters is that their voice actors really set the stage for the narrative. Another thing about the narrative that makes it great is that it is unpredictable and will keep you guessing until you do more. I give Infamous 7 out of ten because of its good narrative, comic book cut scenes, destructive powers, and great vertical play. The big things that could have made Infamous a 10 out of 10 are a better way to precisely control your character, less glitches in the world, and more side quest variety. So, if you're looking for a super hero game that has interesting plot and has not been flushed out because of a big block buster movie than I recommend Infamous, but if you're looking for more meat than Infamous may not be the game for you.
Sucker Punch, who developed the Sly Cooper games for the PS2, brought a lot of the best from the thieving series to their new IP inFamous; and it turns out the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. In inFamous,... Read Full Review
When the previews for InFamous first came out I honestly did not have much interest. A protagonist that can use electricity? I already did that in The Force Unleashed. Well, after the positive reviews the game received a... Read Full Review