Your electric so stay out of the water

User Rating: 8.5 | inFamous PS3
Everyone likes a good superhero game and its a good superhero game,even if cole seems to be on the weaker side of the superpowered side. The feel that your really powerful dosent really come til much later even with upgraded powers it still takes either a well placed hit or many strikes to drop enemies all throughout the game. The game looks good and plays well for the most part the moves arent a nightmare to pulloff and go pretty easy but youll probably end up using the same 2-3 moves. The problem is the game gives good lessons in annoying missions, mainly the side quests in which even though you can shoot lightning you still need to get within 2 feet of most things to destroy them,theres also my least favorite but only a few timed race missions which are mostly easy. Failure will result from coles inconsistant ability to grab on to things which always seems to be harder when you really need him to move and annoying when you want to drop 2 stories to grab a shard and end up grabbing 8 things b4 you get there.
Its a pretty standard game that had a good idea and did it well til it was time to come up with missions and of course they tied an small anchor around your neck which is your friend an occasional sidekick zeke. {he's nothing like rico in killzone,the most useless guy ever} Whos mainly around to screw up and give you more missions to play which is pretty standard in alot of games sadly. Theres plenty of reviews with nothing but good things to say so read those too now its a good game but it will frustrate you more than challenge you and give doses of activites youve done at times b4.