Infamous is a long and entertaining experience suitable for anyone looking for an intriguing story that they can shape.
The game can give off a bad first impression due to its lazily crafted in-game cinematics and the character visuals, but the really fun and absorbing game play strongly makes up for that fault. The story is presented quite slowly giving you enough time to learn about the characters, and when plot twists are revealed, they are even more shocking than they would be if the story was shorter.
The game play is near flawless, with the wide variety of powers and each and every one of them is useful in combat. Jumping around the city is easy and a blast, and rarely causes frustration for any reason. The only frustrating things you could experience in the game play is when the game decides to throw a mission at you that takes advantage of the platforming elements' annoyances, and every once and a while there may be a checkpoint that is placed very inconveniently.
The good:
-Infamous' game play is the highlight of the experience, shocking enemies with your hands is a blast, and climbing the city is easy and rarely flawed.
-The characters and voice acting are perfectly presented.
-Choices you can make between being good or evil are very important to the story and are two different experiences.
-Empire City, the location you explore throughout the game is very detailed and well tailored for your traveling convenience.
-Large variety of powers useful at almost any occasion.
-Lengthy adventure with a well-paced story. The story picks up more towards the second half of the game.
The bad:
-Some missions have frustrating elements, whether it be a badly placed checkpoint or cheap enemies.
-The in-game cinematics look extremely dated mainly due to the lighting and character models.
-Occasional glitched relating to ragdoll physics or enemy deaths.
Infamous is definitely worth trying out, especially if you can grab it for a cheap price. It's a PS3 exclusive you cannot miss.