This is one of those games that make incredible awesome and makes a new word for it!To start,the story is both dark and incredibly engageing.The enemies are the perfect example of destroyed city goons,the combat demands you to think about everymove in order to survive.The immense power you feel while bringing death to your enemies is all too satisfying.The biggest thing to watch out for is the evil difficulty.Reapers will smash you open,other conduits will try their hardest to kill you in the cheapest way possible so don't expect easy wins,they won't happen until the end.You may realize that you need to come up with five startagies to take down different enemies.The AI is very coordinated so if you are one of those people who look at games from this perspective as well,no fuss here...So as a summary,pick it up,this game has huge things to offer that will leave you going wow left and right.
Sucker Punch, who developed the Sly Cooper games for the PS2, brought a lot of the best from the thieving series to their new IP inFamous; and it turns out the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. In inFamous,... Read Full Review
When the previews for InFamous first came out I honestly did not have much interest. A protagonist that can use electricity? I already did that in The Force Unleashed. Well, after the positive reviews the game received a... Read Full Review