Infamous is one of the best games sony ever made!

User Rating: 10 | inFamous PS3
infamous is a superhero sandbox style game that takes the role of cole a delivery man who will take a package to the heroic district and then explodes and gave him superpower like the control over eletricity,the storyline of infamous is alot better then protoype and all the game aspects are better then infamous u have powers like lighting bolt,megawatt hammer and even u can summon a lighting storm and many more power but its up to u to discover them.the graphics are very good u can almost climb on anything,poles,buliding pipes anything,u have side missions to do and 250 shards to collect and trophy support.u can beat the game with good of evil ways its up to u to decide ur path! what wil u do? u will save or leave empire city in chaos? its up to u

if u own a ps3 go buy this now! this is another perfect game from sony!