Infamous is an open world game where the player takes control of Cole, a man who delivers a package and ends up with electrical powers at the beginning of the game. As the game progresses, the player will learn to harness these powers by completing missions, and spending XP to upgrade your powers. The missions of the game can get repetitive but they are pretty fun. Each of the three islands does open up new mission types and enemies, which does keep things fresh. The story of the game is not the most interesting, but the side missions, while repetitive, do add a lot of playability to the game. This game kept me occupied for quite a few evenings, and that is only playing the game as a good guy. That is where the game gets really interesting, every action in the game adds either good or bad Karma which adds a second playthrough to the game. Overall I would say this game is well worth the purchase and I would highly recommend it to fans of action adventure games, superhero games, open world games, and anyone who enjoys a fun game. Check it out if you get a chance, I don't think you will regret it. The worst thing about this game to be honest, is the graphics. Generally PS3 exclusives are the cream of the crop when it comes to consoles, but this game leaves a lot to be desired on the graphics front. There are jaggies galore and the world and people who occupy the world aren't very detailed. The graphics aren't bad to the point that the game is unplayable, but I think the PS3 can do better than this.
Sucker Punch, who developed the Sly Cooper games for the PS2, brought a lot of the best from the thieving series to their new IP inFamous; and it turns out the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. In inFamous,... Read Full Review
When the previews for InFamous first came out I honestly did not have much interest. A protagonist that can use electricity? I already did that in The Force Unleashed. Well, after the positive reviews the game received a... Read Full Review