why couldn't they move the deadline? After all it is a nice game, but i don't think 'nice' is enough is it?
but it's just like... like a game you don't play for an hour or 2 at once. just some quick missions and you're ready to get some other disc in your psp.
well... ill just tell wat the game's about.
the game is about a man, officer stevens, that has a special kind of blood type. but when a zombie-virus overruns NYC he discovers that he can't be infected by the virus. so he sees a doctor and he has tested some things with his blood and found out that his blood can splat the zombies when wounded. now don't expect that the story is the best because you really have to pay attention to get this out of the 'story' you are told. yeah. it's really told. i think that if they would have payed more attention to the story it would have been a great game. GAMEPLAY
i like the gameplay. its fast and auto-aim. but it doesn't spoils the game. you aim at a zombie with a gun BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! and he runs out of HP then you shoot with your viral gun... SPLAT! and he's gone.... and that's what it's about all the time. your character moves good and fast and you are able to push 1 button to do a 180 to just go like BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! SPLAT! again. but there are pretty much zombies in each level. the game modes are just kill 'em all, evacuate or defend. it's all a bit simple minded.
the character creation is pretty good, you can choose between face, clothes and you have some special characters like the members of slipknot and some other things... the fact that you can change your character everey time you want to... and i mean just evereything... first you were a trinity kinda chick, a few seconds later a zombie-santa. that is a bit strange. i'd prefer a character and then choos between hair, buy clothes etc. but you have a lot of characters so that's 1 thumb up.
overall this game feels like they had to get the deadline... i didn't really care if it was november 2005 or like march 2006... i want a good game. but afterall, i like it =)