Infected happens to be a very fun game that happens to lose it's fun way too quickly.

User Rating: 4.8 | Infected PSP
This game is like a basic shooter. There is nothing more to this game that hasn't already been done in any other shooting games. As of now, there is hardly anyone online with this game anymore. To get a match online going you will have to notify someone before going online. If you go online with out doing so you will most likely find yourself alone.

Infected is a game about killing zombies. Something that Resident Evil has already done well over five times now. The story is different from other zombie shooter games. A disease of some sort has plagued over New York City and you, the hero, have to kill the zombie by lowering their health with one of the ballistic weapons provided and then shooting your blood onto the zombie which makes them explode. If more than one zombi is low on health and they are around each other you can shoot your blood onto them making a chain combo of zombie deaths.

There is nothing more to this game but shooting and killing zombies with your blood. There are three different types of missions on this game. Giving campaign mode little variety. There is Kill Em All type missions. That's where you kill all the zombies in the area. Next there is Defender-style missions, this is where you defend the humans who aren't infected from the ones who are infected. So basically you shoot all the zombies while making sure civilians aren't turned into zombies. Then their are Helicoptor Evacuation missions. Like the Defender missions you have to keep the civilians from turning into zombies while trying to get the civilians to the helipads where helicopters will come and pick them up and carry them to safety.

Graphics: The graphics aren't some of the best on the PSP, but they are okay to say the least. Gameplay: The game is sort. There are only 30 missions in total, and the missions don't usually take 2 minutes to complete. The multiplayer features helps out the gameplay a little, though there are few players around now.

Sound: Well after playing the game for a few minutes you will get tired of hearing the gun shots and zombie wails. There is no voice acting in this game, there are voices that talk to you at the campaign mission map. But no voice acting.

Value: The game is short. I am sure you can complete this game before the end of the day depending on when you buy it and how much you play it. I wouldn't recommend replaying it because all of the mission are repetitive enough.

I can't really say that I am really feeling this game. I brought the game used two days ago and I am writing this review after beating the game and playing online only two times. I am glad that GameSpot has a 7-day return on used games.