Pretty graphics on my x1950pro all settings on high game ran smooth.
I did play it on easy and the guys do take alot of shots unless you aim for the head (bang instant kill). I did not find to much ammo for the good weapons around so i downloaded an infinite ammo trainer (i know it's cheating alittle but what the heck lol. their is plenty of the regular ammo about. I think it was 5 levels in total but they are kind of long. The body searching does get alittle repetitive but you need to search in order to find some security card keys to open doors. I believe their were only 3 guys with keys in the entire game. But it's like sucking souls like the game, soul reaver game pretty cool. You get teleportation and teleknises, teleportation is cool but when you have to teleport to 2 or 3 spots at the same time holy cow, not to bad but takes alittle time and you must do this within a few seconds or the doors you just unlock will close. overall to to bad. weapons nice variety and the infernal weapon mode is cool but you don't need to use it as much to progress in the game of course excluding the bossess.
No real secrets in the game, i blew up and shot to hell just about everything.
went back after i finished a level to replay that same level again but nothing, oh well.
Some levels are pretty linear so don't worry about getting lost. bosses some are a challenge but what the heck you need some kind of a challenge in a game. Last boss i thought i was done but behold part 2.
Overall i did have fun with this game finished it but no replay value, gameplay and graphics gave it 9 tilt more like 2 but i did give it a 4. which drop my rating down to a 6.9. Good game to play 1 time and then uninstall.