A pure action game, nothing more and nothing less!
The graphics in the game are quite impressive and they don't kill your PC at higher resolutions like most newer games do. The sound effects is quite good as well, quite similar to Max Payne come to think of it. The music in the game is of the rock persuasion which is always a good thing in an action game. The only thing that slightly lets the sound department down is the rather dull voice acting by some of the characters. Ryan is the only character that has half decent voice acting.
The AI is OK for the most part but it can be stupid at times. They don't seem to flank you or work as a team so far as i've noticed but they will duck behind cover and use the games cover fire feature to lay down fire while being relatively safe.
The weapons are of the standard affair of pistols, machine guns, rocket launcher, flamethrower etc. Surprisingly there's no shotgun, which I find throughly strange. The daemonic powers are quite good and well implemented. You get powers such as teleport, life force drain and a couple of others. The powers aren't anything new by any means but the game does fit nicely around the powers.
There are a few things that let the game down.
First of all the whole falling from a relatively small height kills you instantly thing, which is just plain not in keeping with the game. Ryan (the main character) has powerful daemonic powers so why would a short fall kill him?!?!?!?
Second would be when you reload the weapon without using the left over ammo you lose it. Why?!?!?!?
Thirdly no shotgun. What decent third person action game doesn't have a shotgun?!?!?!? Overall the game is a great pure action game with a few puzzles thrown in and it doesn't pretend to be anything else. If you like your action pure then this is the game for you but if your wanting a game like PSI OPS then you may want to look else where because this isn't it.