The War Z has a lot of potential, but is far from ready for the full release it (sort of) received.
All my concerns were correct. This game has a lot of potential but is incomplete, buggy, and lacking features. Hammerpoint chose to release this game before they even included all the features. The Steam store page promised multiple maps, up to 400 square km. In reality, the game has only one map which, despite being impressively large, is still only about 10 square kilometers. The game menus include several options and buttons that don't do anything or display a "Coming soon!" message. Among those are the friends list, which doesn't exist, the player's skill system which displays "Coming soon", and the zoom buttons on the mini-map which don't do anything. What's worse, the zombies' AI is so poorly programmed it's funny. I've come across several invisible zombies which have killed me. I've spent several minutes at a time in glitchy melee combat in which I was killed by a single zombie in four blows, after landing (and I kept count) 37 hits with my flashlight to said zombie.
hidden inside the wrecked buildings of the cities scattered around the single map are food, drink, guns and other items to help you survive, but good luck getting anywhere near them without attracting hordes of melee-proof glitchy zombies, or being picked off by another player. This wouldn't be so bad if you started out with more than a granola bar, a can of soda and a flashlight which (apparently) acts as a melee weapon. You really have to play with a group if you want any chance of getting any guns or food to stay alive. And dying is pretty major in War Z. On death, you lose everything your character was carrying and cannot play on that character again for four hours. Or you can pay real-world money to respawn early.
In addition to the glitchy gameplay, there are simply no objectives other than "Don't die". There's no skill system (at least yet). There's no leveling. There are no objectives. There isn't even a working friends list- all things we consider crucial in a game that wants to call itself an MMO.
But wait, there's more- The Marketplace is an in-game store where players can spend REAL MONEY to buy guns, food and other items. I've already paid for this game. I don't want to spend any more money on it. Thankfully anything you can buy in the marketplace can also be found ingame, if you're lucky enough to not be killed by zombies or players.
I'd say this game is going to be good later on, but given the attitude of the devs on the whole situation, I think the most this is going to amount to is a rip-off, incomplete, buggy, pay-to-win game that calls itself an MMO. People have voiced their concern over these problems on the official site's forums, where they have been largely ignored and even censored out in some cases. Avoid this game. It MIGHT get better later on, but I doubt it.