game is incomplete and doesn't need reviews until its more complete
THE GAME IS INCOMPLETE!!! instead of blowing it out of the water before its birth how bout giving the developers a chance to make the features
the review here says dayz is greatly superior which is a complete farse!
in truth where warz makes up for dayz short comings is
ease of movement
ease of item pick up
overall prettier
easier to deal with installation
warz's short comings
lack of features (coming soon tho) such as
server rentals
friends list
incentive to be friendly
i wouldn't say to avoid the game but to wait for it to have more solid features
i play warz all the time, been playing since the first hour of alpha
and i have to say i got my moneys worth (only costed 30 dollars for me)
theres other titles that cost more and are definitly not worth 60 dollars