This game is very good actually after months of patches and review WarZ vs DayZ
War Z has good graphic, settings with Low, Medium, High, Ultra and Custom.
War Z can Sprint, Prone, Crouches, Team Speak mic, Group together for location and indicator where your friends.
War Z needs Food and Water.
They have Detection Indicator from far range, medium range, close range and very close range. Detection Indicator is for zombies to see you, for players is with their own real eyes to see.
They have Sound Indicator from high, medium to low and no sound. Sound indicator is for zombies and players to hear your foot step.
Is a World Wide Open World that explore your own freedom anywhere you want.
Find items and weapons like in real world Zombie Apocalypse that you trust no one but your own.
They have PVE and PVP Servers to play.
If you die or you kill anyone in game. Their loots everything drop and have to wait for 1hour to revive.
You can use real money to purchase GC (Gold Credits) to buy items in Marketplace if you too lazy to search for loots.
Is worth buying and worth play. Buy Infestation Survivor Stories when steam have 75% OFF for Infestation Survivor. Buy the Infestation Survivor Stories + 9600 GC is worth alot than buying GC in game Marketplace.
MMO, RPG, Action, Adventure.
Over 42 Different Ammo in game
Over 19 Attachments for weapons (5 Attachments Each Gun)
Over 48 Guns in game.
Over 20 Melee weapons in game.
Over 35 Character Customization.
Over 17 types of Food and Water. (Some does give Health)
Over 13 types of healing items (Include Food and Water)
Over 34 Perk Skills tree for your character
You're a Civilian you can choose to be good or bad person, depending on who you kill.
There's Rank for killing players. For example You're civilian and you killed 5 Civilian you become thug then bandits and so on. Same goes for Police.
Kill zombies to gain exp for skills
Kill Civilian (Players)
Kill Police (Players)
Kill Bandits (Players)
There's different types of guns.
14 Assault Rifle.
8 Hand Guns
4 Light Machine Guns
5 Shotguns
9 Sub-Machine Guns
7 Snipers
1 Crossbow.
Small Backpack (12Slots with 10KG Weight) Default Spawn.
Medium Backpack (18Slots with 15KG Weight)
Large Backpack (24Slots with 20KG Weight)
Alice Backpack (28Slots with 25KG Weight)
Military Backpack (32Slots with 30KG Weight)
Different Weapons has different damage, weight, range and effective.
More coming Items, Attachment, Equipment, Weapons, Guns, Foods, Water when future patch.
Here's a review about WarZ vs DayZ
WarZ vs DayZ
There is a lot of hate for this game out there. Some of it is deserved, some of it is not.
The main focus of negative reviews can be divided into three main categories:
1) The Devs of WarZ are liars and the game is a scam.
2) WarZ is a ripoff of DayZ and is an inferior game to DayZ.
3) WarZ standing on it's own is a bad game.
Point 3 would honestly be the most relevant opinion to have but it is the one that is expressed far less often than the other two. Personally I find WarZ to be an enjoyable game, but this is personal opinion and open to disagreement.
Point 1 I don't really feel has much to do with if the game is any good or not. There is no doubt that the company had shady dealings and misstated facts. If your sense of "moral outrage" forces you to not buy a product from the company because of that then no amount of discussion of the game itself will change your mind, so feel free to not play it.
So I am choosing to focus on point 2 (though my feelings on point 3 will be clear from this discussion also). I have spent 200 hours in Day Z and 120+ hours in War Z so there is a foundation of experience upon which I base my opinions. When DayZ first came out I was on board, loved it and had a lot of fun playing it. That opinion changed with time as the game got progressively worse as each update introduced new bugs and hacking got worse and worse. When WarZ came out I bought it and have to agree that it is largely the same game with differences in the details.
Here is my quick comparison:
-Graphics: A nod to War Z.
There is not a huge difference here, but it is a noticeable one. WarZ feel more vibrant, and the animations (while not great) are less blocky than in DayZ.
-Loot spawning: Winner War Z
Day Z only spawns zombies/loot when a player is in the area, which can easily be used as a type of radar to tell if other players are around. In War Z the entire world spawns regardless of if anyone is near it or not.
DayZ also spawns the best loot at random helicopter crash sites. These spawn on server start up and the loot, once taken, does not respawn so it is first come first served. This leads to a situation where the people in control of the server get the best loot and everyone else has much less chance of getting it.
WarZ is not without loot spawn issues however. The Devs are constantly changing what spawns where and how often. I see this as an attempt to find the right balance, but many people get very upset over it because they would rather have the loot spawns be static and known rather than in flux.
WarZ weapon spawns are much more common than in DayZ. Whether this is a good thing or not is completely open to personal opinion.
-Melee combat: Winner War Z
Melee in Day Z is and feels like an afterthought. There is only one melee weapon and it is glitchy and takes up your primary weapon slot, and it is an uncommon item (not rare, but uncommon).
Melee in WarZ is a central component of the game. There are a multitude of weapon choices with varying degrees of effectiveness. This does lead to a situation where there are a few weapons that are simply much better than the others and some of these are not uncommon so many of the weapons are simply moot because of this.
-Gun combat: Winner Day Z
War Z guns are far too inaccurate. Even at short ranges many of the guns will go wide of the target. This has not always been the case, but it is also not a bug. This is a conscious decision the Devs made and have not backed off from yet.
DayZ guns are appropriately accurate, and you can take down other players at a decent range. That being said using a gun in a town will bring down on you every zombie within nearly a mile. This makes using them much less attractive.
-The Inventory managment system: Clear winner WarZ
WarZ has a simple easy to use and understand inventory system.
DayZ has possibly the worst inventory system I have ever encountered. It always makes peoples lists of things they dislike about DayZ. It is so bad it is offensive.
-Hacking: Clear winner War Z
Yes War Z has a lot of hackers, people run ESP, Wallhack, No Spread, and occasionally teleport hacks.
DayZ..... I struggle to think of a single example where the hacking has been worse than it was in DayZ. I have personally seen people spawning battleships on top of other people, or teleporting everyone on a server into the air to fall to their deaths, or turning into invincible dogs and leading packs of zombies around the map to over run people, or setting entire cities on fire. This is not mentioning the horror stories of hacks that I have read about but not personally seen.
-Number of bugs: War Z gets the nod
7 out of 10 of all of my deaths in Day Z for me were due to bugs like: laying down next to a tree and breaking my leg, or logging in next to a tree and finding myself on top of it and falling to my death, or bumping into a friend on accident and we both instant die, or being hit by a zombie who is on the other side of a brick wall from me, or even just walking along perfectly flat and featureless ground and breaking my leg and bleeding to death.
WarZ is certainly not free of bugs, but they are not as bad or as prominent as in DayZ.
-Map: DayZ gets the nod
The Day Z map is much larger than the War Z map is. This is increased... well infinitely when you consider that Day z map has no real edge. When you get to the end of the map you go into a no-mans-land that has no end and stretches for as long as you feel like running even though there is nothing there. While the larger map of Day Z is nice, the no mans land is just a giant exploit where people hide all of the vehicles so no one else can get them.
The towns and villages feel more real in DayZ. The downside is that the majority of space in the DayZ map is empty and wasted.
WarZ towns feel small and cramped in comparison, but has less wasted space.
Day Z has vehicles, War Z does not.
This takes away from the feel of the game to me, and vehicles are a negative to me. Many people love them and it is a plus to them.
WarZ has a in game marketplace that allows you to purchase items with either GC (currency only avaliable by spending real money) or Cash (in game currency that drop from killing zombies).
To me this is a detracting feature of the game since it takes you out of the "survival" aspect that is one of the major draws to the genre for me.
The other major difference between the two is that Day Z is built off of the ARMA 2 engine and is a MilSim game. So if you want more realism (i.e. no map to start with and when you find one it won't show you where you are because that is not how maps work irl) then Day Z is the better game. If you want something that is more accessible and easier to just jump into and play then War Z is more for you.
Overall: WarZ wins for me.
Despite it's issues I still have fun in the game and keep coming back to it.