average characters, average story and average gameplay can't drag down the fun you will have with this game
I finished this game a few months ago and only now I've decided to write the review so some thing may come across hazy. The game starts quite slowly just like most JRPG's (however all this is nothing compared FFXIII). In the opening dungeon we are introduced to the only playable character of the game Capell, an odd choice considering the large cast of party members you will obtain. Capell has been wrongly put in prison and is being sprung out by a girl by a girl called Aya, who to mistakes him for someone known as lord Sigmund.
Now that I've set the scene lets get down to the nitty gritty:
This is a typical JRPG story, save the world, kill the bad guy and get the girl. But what makes the story elevate above the generic cliché is the fact that the main character has a strong reluctance to NOT save the world. The highlight of the story is the character growths, which is a lot like most tales games. The main character goes from a weak reluctant citizen in the wrong place at the wrong time, to a guy who is willing to fight for all that is right and to create a just and fair world. Other characters also evolve and grow such as the samurai who wants to reshape his clans traditions so they can better the world, a princess proves her worth to her father and her nation as more than just a princess. Overall the story is not great but its not poor, it'll keep you interested with all the twists that occur.
Hmmm not too bad but considering the hardware could have been better. This game does use the same graphics engine as Star Ocean 4, and that game looks fantastic but they didn't utilise the true power of that engine until then. Battle animations look very cool especially for warriors special techniques (GRINN VALESTI!! is a personal favourite). Unfortunately some spells that should look flashy just don't have the same on screen presence as physical moves. Cut scenes are done with the in game engine and look great, a lot of attention went in to faces and gestures as most of the cut scenes are there to reflect character bonds.
Sound effects aren't amazing but I never pay much attention to them. The soundtrack may sound a little like it was copied from other games but this can be over looked as they are all written well. Great sweeping orchestrated battle music that swells in when enemies are near, beautiful background music in the villages and heart wrenching pieces during emotional cut scenes.
Despite the average–ness of all other aspects of this game the gameplay banishes all the shortcomings as its just damn enjoyable. The whole game is real time. Yes the whole game, even when you go into the menu the world continues to do its thing around you. Making battles and strategies more important as you can't just pause the action to heal your party. Combat is real time (duh) simple three hit combos are key to launch into special moves, specials are split into strong and weak, weak versions cost less to and strong cost more but the power out put is well worth it. There are a heap of moves to learn for all characters some are learnt by gaining levels other through books cutting up enemies will be the most fun thing and combining different party members from the huge number of party members you will obtain (somewhere near 15). The number of enemies range from gremlins to huge dragons, bosses are great fun to take on and require more strategy than "bash the A button". The defining moment of combat is the dungeons in which up to 3 full parties will make there way through the dungeon with you. Fighting with up to 12 characters on screen makes for fun boss and dungeon battles, and despite the number of characters and moves that occur during these moments there is very little slow down that interferes There are plenty of distractions from the main story; forging and side quests are the most prominent. Forging weapons and armour can take up hours of gameplay, your forging level must be increased before you can reach the upper echelon of equipment. And not all characters in your party forge the same thing, some forge steel and metal weapons whilst others specialise in wooden weapons. Others specify in writing books for moves and other use alchemy.
Overall the sheer funs of combat and of the side quests are the things to drag you through. And once the game is over the Seraphic gate opens up and introduces you to a huge up scaling in difficulty. The main game may be easy (what with the free downloads on XBL and the money cheat) but this optional dungeon will bring the hurt. And of course the typical Square Enix/Tri Ace bonus boss the Etheral Queen make an appearance, and she will knock you down a peg or two.