Game play tends to lack fluidity of control feedback.
Game play is fun and the typical "block + kick = winning" recipe doesn't cut the grade. You have to be offensive with great caution to your surroundings. In fact, you're mostly getting attacked with move you can't block directly (but you may avoid by jumping/crouching/environmental) once you push past medium difficulty. It makes for a very well balanced and relatively fair fight against a... Human Super Hero God-Like Smart Ass. Controls are perhaps my biggest gripe with the game so far. It's not so much the button mapping, but in-game timing that makes it bizarre. You're expected to keep a very linear pace of button pressing; Almost like clockwork. This is unusual to me because your eyes aren't happy with your fingers almost antsy rhythmic button mashing.
Visuals do some characters justice, but mostly leave you wondering what the hell they were thinking with some models. Batman looks like a blimp. Like fat old fathers in a muscle suit. Nuff said about my favorite character. The suits are all armored and Mr. Nolan-like. Some models really hurt for detail, but you're not going to stare in characters eyes all evening, are you? Why don't you pick that controller back up and start using the buttons! You'll enjoy more, I promise! Besides, the stages are flat-out awesome! Its so interactive, entertaining, and destructible in there that you'll question why you need any other moves in quite a few battles!
If you read all this, then I guess I owe you an apology for my crude personality. Everything else is fact.
Oh yeah. The story line doesn't suck. It's TOTALLY illogical to my religion teacher, but that's just a hallucination anyways.