Must... Control.... Urge... To... Kill...
That said, it really does deserves Gamespot's 8 for gameplay. For anyone who bashes this game because it's cricket, step away for a moment. Cricket is a complex game, with VERY complex stats, seasons, and team interactions, and ICC '06 captures this very well (in a VERY raw sense). If you love cricket, an always wanted to experience running a team, this is pretty close. If you wanted to see it represented on screen in a manner that more than just "we held this score card up to a camera and scanned it into the game"... you're sc***ed.
I just have to add however, that I wonder WHY this game was made. I firmly believe that this would be a great project for a cricket enthusiat's website, but an actual GAME? That only makes sense if the developers intended to make use of the graphical power of a PC, and recorded sounds and speech. They did not, in an almost staggering way they did not, so I am left baffled.