If you disregard the bad graphics and gameplay, it really is enjoyable. Just imagine you're playing a PS1 game.
This game has hidious graphics compared to most current generation games, although in my eyes this isn't too much of a problem. Some people nowadays just take a look at the game's graphics and disregard the game entirely. To me, I just pretend I'm playing a PS1 game. The game uses super deformed, or "chibi", 3d characters on a painted still-picture background much like the PS1 final fantasy games, for example, on which you run around on. The character models aren't very detailed, but are good enough to see who they are. The repetitive animation that these models portray however, as well as many of the dull visual effects the game has to offer, does get tiresome after awhile.
The game doesn't have very revolutionary gameplay. It uses an old fashioned ATB battle system, where your characters simply stand around and take turns with your enemy attacking: a system similar to Chrono Trigger or most Final Fantasy games. The most interesting part of the system is probably that characters can team up with each other and perform more powerful attacks, yet these attacks don't tend to do much more damage then regular attacks. Overall, the battles tend to be far too easy and unrewarding. Outside of battle you'll find yourself running from one place to another, transitioning into battles quite frequently, solving simple puzzles, and talking to random NPCs as you continue onwards through the story. A pretty basic RPG setup. Although, an interesting feature this game has is that you can rest every so often at predetermined points and gain a relationship with the main characters of the Inuyasha universe, whether you focus on one character the whole time or all of them. The character you hang out with the most will determine how some of the events unfold in the story and which one of the endings you'll recieve at end of the game. A very neat feature in my opinion.
Sound: Voiceovers are ever present in this game; every single thing said by the main characters is voiced, not a single textbox is missed. Obviously, the characters are voiced by their english actors from the anime. Also, various major NPCs are voiced, although they all tend to sound the same. The voiceacting can sound inappropriate at times but is overall done very well and really does add to the game. As for soundeffects and music: decent. The soundeffects are alright but can get repetitive after awhile. The music sounds like what you'd hear from the show, although, aside from the intro, I don't recall any tunes from the actual show at all. The music isn't groundbreaking enough to make you want to rush out and buy a soundtrack for it, but it does its job. I did happen to like the final battle music quite a bit for some reason.
The game doesn't last to long and doesn't have much replay value, being an RPG and all, but it will knock off a good 20 hours of your life. I took my time to really explore and never rushed through the game, and it took me about 32 hours to finish (According to the game clock at least. Sometimes I think those clocks are messed up. It didn't seem like 32 hours...). You might be able to beat it in a rental if you played non-stop. The game does have some replay value, in the fact that theres multiple endings and goodies to unlock as well as the ability to carry over your levels from a previous play, but you'll probably have your fill after one run through.
I really enjoyed this game. If you disregard the bad graphics and gameplay, it really is enjoyable. A fan of the show, such as myself, will most definitely enjoy the game more than the casual gamer with no interest in the anime whatsoever, but you may want to at least give it a rent. This game is great in my opinion, then again the fact that I love RPGs may be a factor. Fans of Inuyasha: play this game.
(Stupid scoring system. I tried to score the game truthfully and the rating was way too low for my liking, even with the reviewers tilt at max. Oh well, this'll have to do...)