The Newish Invizimals game Invizimals: Shadow Zone

User Rating: 8.5 | Invizimals: Shadow Zone PSP
Invizimals has the same objective find and capture invizimals make them fight and so on! But the story is great and very different!You still meet Kenny, Jazmin and Doc Dawson! But this time Campbell comes back through a shadow zone and doc Dawson gets taken over by darkness! Your objective is to stop Campbell but before you can get to him you must defeat lots of battle clubs from lots of different countries and solve a few different puzzles. But if you find it a bit hard on 'Yes' when it asks you have you played the previous game, DON'T DELETE THE DATA THE OTHER OPTION WON'T MAKE IT ANY EASIER!!!!! This is a bit of a bummer because i tried it and i was gutted!!!!

The game comes with the trap! I forgot to mention that if you haven't played the first one it's okay no need to worry because thank god there is a tutorial!!! You still meet Kenny, Jazmin and Doc Dawson![of course!] The tutorial can change depending on whether you have play the first game of the series (which i have also reviewed) If you haven't played the first game you will be told what happens basically in the first game and get a tutorial on how to play the game, while catching an invizimal that is new. While if you have played the first game you will be able to catch an invizimal in a brand new way from the first game. You can choose from FlameClaw(my favourite), Hilltopper and Ice Lion.