What a shame I like Ironman, Most terrible graphics I've seen on PS3,
Gameplay- So you get to play as Ironman and War machine in the game, which follows the story of Ironman 2. The controls are very touchy, you can fly when ever where even inside buildings, which makes it harder for you minuver the characters. There are lots of upgrades and stuff to unlock and buy along with ironman suits to unlock.
The story isn't too long and has some fun extra Trophies on each level if you meet some objectives.
Graphics - Terrible absolety aweful, Considering its a Playstation 3 game they are seriously grainy and hardly anything is smooth, I've seen better graphics on Playstation 2 games
Sound- Is mainly bad voice acting and crumpling Sound effects,
Trophies- Don't seem to hard but It's not worth buying for them, A few extras to make it a bit funner like extra objectives in levels to do can earn you an extra trophy.
Summary- Do not buy this game seriously, Even if your a massive Ironman fan, it may put you off Ironman.