in the end, you'll buy this game only if you are ironman fanatic, no because is a good game

User Rating: 5.5 | Iron Man 2 PSP
in the end, you'll buy this game only if you are ironman fanatic, no because is a good game, Well i enjoy the game becuase i'm a big fan of ironman and marvel, the game is not based in the movie, it looks like a sequel of the movie, i don't take much important to the graphics, only the game sometimes is hard in some missions, i was expect more than the first one, i like the first one but i was expect more, i expect this game that ironman would have the liberty in the city( as grand thef auto) maybe is not the best game of psp, but is better than the games of transformers, you know this games are bad, and transformers 2 was the worse game that i have seen and played, i enjoy playing as ironman and war machine, sometimes is boring to defeat the same villians for examples robots, but sometimes is good when you confront the villians as crymson dynamo, etc. the worst thing is the final boss is giant robot and not whiplash. I give this game 59 of 100.