Dear effing God.

User Rating: 2 | Iron Man PC
I'll say this: I absolutely LOVED the movie. This game on the other hand gave me biggest gaming depression EVER. Movie was awesome. And thinking that you could play as Ironman and punch people, fly at high speeds throw and rip apart cars felt like an amazing idea. It is in fact but this game is the absolute worst game of this and past year.

I don't even know where to start. OK gameplay first. PC controls aren't bad bad they really lack explanation as I spent 2 minutes pressing every button on keyboard thinking which button better resembles a hand icon. Enemies are weak but hey you are the Ironman right? You can't die in the tutorial level which is pretty boring and takes away any challenge at all. First thing I noticed was that in the Ironman suit (Mark II or III) I didn't really felt like I was given the power of Ironman as enemies usually fly for maybe a meter away while in movie Ironman was incredibly strong and could really punch people several meters away. Also melee attack are just horrible there is a 3hit combo which looks very basic. Then I noticed how all the enemies go trough maybe 3 different death animations. After relizing that I felt a little disappointed. Combat was very very very VERY boring there's maybe 2 animations of ripping cars apart. When you've seen it once you've seen it all.

The biggest thing that sticks out is just AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL graphics. Looking at this made me wonder "Is THIS the level of graphics of year 2008? Are THESE graphics of year 2000 and freaking 8?" I don't remember Mafia having worse graphics. Faint shots of New york during early levels made me cringe. EVERYTHING was a giant rectangle graphics were extremely blocky and textures were blurry as all hell. Cars were just awfully bad textured and everything was like a giant polygon. It felt like I was looking at a PS1 game. So appearantly this is a port of PS2 version. BUT THAT'S NOT AN EXCUSE. Even PS2 is capable of better graphics as seen in Metal Gear Solid 3, God of War 2, Shadow of The Colossus. What immediately torn my theory of game being a port from PS2 to shreds was the alternate control scheme which clearly showed Xbox360 controller buttons. Then what is the excuse for this. It can't possibly be a Xbox360 port with it's before the last gen graphics. Also I forgot to mention that explosions are barely 3D like from early games as they look like cardboard cutouts. Having death animations is very very last gen. What? Were the simple ragdoll physics introduced just last thursday? In the training level just like Mark I from the movie you also have a flamethrower. This is where AI becomes retarded. They don't even bother to dodge it rather just stand still until fire reaches them. So what happens when you burn them? I couldn't believe my eyes. Enemies turn red and fall down. I'm dead serious. I can't remember a game where such effect was used. Only maybe the early PS1 games or some kid friendly platformers. Flying at high speeds isn't fun. At least in the PC version. The controls are awful when turning is executed by a combination of keyboard and mouse controls.

This game was just quickly slapped together without any thinking at all. Ironman is a great concept if a good company actually have bought the rights to releasing the game oh I don't know like Ubisoft or Rockstar . But no. It's SEGA. The same SEGA which opened it's eyes and relised there are other genres besides racing. Maybe SEGA should have just sticked to racing.
SEGA it just doesn't work out. You have ambitions but you are just like Midas from greek mythos only everything you touch turns into **** And just like Midas maybe you'll understand to think twice.