Iron Man - A man in an Iron Suit, with lazers and rockets and super speed flying...HOW THE HELL DID THEY %#$@ IT UP!?!
He should have...but thats not the case.
Lets start with the Graphics.
Now, I've seen the Xbox360 footage, and it looked decent, but the PC...what the #$%@ we got stuck with the PS2 graphics??
Seriously, the flames from the thrusters look like something you'd find in a 1996 game, just plain horrible, the Iron Man suit DOES look rather nice...kinda.
The eniviroments are bland, blockly, un-inspired, and just plain ugly to look at.
The effects...what effects?
The sound...Im convinced that they did the entire soundtrack for this game with a 2 year olds drum set.
Every explosion in the game is just a poof, and whatever explodes is imidietly gone, no shrapnal no nothing.
Now Lets Talk About the most important thing.
The Gameplay.
Now, while the controls are kinda stiff, their berable, and flying around at top speed really isin't quite as fun as gamespot said it is...
The combat is uninspired and dull.
The enemies are an army of stiff clones that you just mow down with a few shots.
And Overall this game is just no the least bit enjoyable, its boring, its repetative, its ugly (By todays standarts) and is an insult to all iron man fans!
You know, I'm confinced Sega just thought "Hey, were making the first 3D iron man game, lets just thrown any #$^@ together and the fans will bite!"
Well this fan doesn't bite, Sega is becoming a very big let down, one game after the other.