Should be good, it has all needed to... even though...
I must say that I haven't watched the movie yet, but I believe that the game tries to be just the same as the movie, the same story line, the same situations, and stuff like that.
It seems like all the movie-based games are under some kind of terrible spell that induces them to be as bad as possible.
I know that this opinion is rather radical, but we can't say that's not true.
Although, (I think that there is always some light at the end of the tunnel), this is the first game (that i remembered, i used to have a PS2 where I played more than 100 games...) where you can control a charachter which has so much space to, litterally, fly around.
The fact that Iron Man flyes wherever he wants ('til the limits of the mission zone), and that the missions can be attended in any way, makes a linear game in story, not so linear in the in game playing.
One fact that I believe most players could think it's annoying, is that the funds to collect in each level are to little, and sometimes you stay in such an agony to buy new upgrades, what makes this impossible.
I guess I don't have too much else to talk about this game, it is not the worst game ever, I mean, there are a lot worse then that, and some features are rather interesting, but the fact the the story is a little poor and the game is so repetitive, put the game in a very low level of evaluation.
But this is Iron Man, I mean, let's give him a chance! Don't you think he deserves it? He is one of the only super heroes that are not super actually, he just wears the most advanced, ever, suit, and so what? Who's gonna face him???
Play it, it's not such a bad game, just a bit!