This game could have been so much more but they got very lazy.
The only thing this game offers is some cool flight witch is disappointing because of how little you actually do. when announced they said this game would be almost sand box type game, it's very far from that.
Iron man is way to easy and way to short and the graphics they give you are just terrible. It seems they made the version for the wii and took those graphics and ported them over to the PC which is disappointing because this game could have looked very cool. instead you get Tanks that look like there from N64 the only descent looking model is your iron man suit. Every thing els looks like cubes and even the suit looks sub par to games made in 1996.
The sound quality in this game is bad. everything sounds terrible even though they used the voice of the actors in the movies it sounds like they put a fan in front of every character and had static in the background the only good sound you get in this game is when you get to hear the iron man song by Ozzy at the start of the game.
Game play wise well there not much of it's almost impossible to die, and if you do get your health to 0 all you have to do is press a arrow key in the direction it tells you and your full health. When fighting any boss all you have to do is move around in a circle and shoot them because you out run every boss and as long as you are moving they cant hit you.
Iron man also gets very annoying in one particular aspect of the game the meaningless cut scenes that serve no purpose to the game other then to prolong the already short game. Why do they need to notify you of a tank rolling in when their are already 10 shooting at you?
Another thing to mention is that almost everything you fight in this game other then the boss fights you can kill in almost 1 or 2 shots of your hand lasers or a rocket or 2.
all in all this game is bad. very bad. there is no replay value at all or any sort of value in playing this game they should have took the money the used to make this game and put it toward the next movie.