1/2 SoF1 + 1/4 CoD1 + 1/4 HL1 = IS

User Rating: 7.5 | Iron Storm PC
Iron Storm is actually a really good game. Graphics are dated, very dated, probably they were dated at the time of release too. But the setting and atmosphere are great. Maybe a bit dull, dark and foggy, but this is the nature of this game, not the fault of the graphics. Sounds are good and support the game play nicely, although there is a lot of recycling of sounds, so it can get repetitive. AI is very, very good, have not seen such good AI in many games. Of course there are occasionally some AI glitches and strange behavior, even like back in the 90s, but it does not affect the overall good impression. Enemies are tough and aggressive, they shoot very accurately, one shot one kill (if playing on the highest difficulty), they take cover and use tactics, lots of snipers everywhere, you are killed a lot and there is no way to prevent this, just save and repeat. But this creates great suspense and challenge. Enemies are really well and logically placed. You do not just walk around in IS, you have always to check twice before you make the next step. Lots of gore, really a brutal and unforgiving game. Most things in the game are really logical, almost everything make sense, very close to real life. The game play is interesting, engaging, but can get a bit repetitive. The only bad thing about this game is the story, the general basic plot. Russo-Mongolian empire? It could be Russo-Dinosaur empire or something, the plot is just laughable. But you can just substitute in your mind this nonsense with something more meaningful, it does not actually matter for the game play. Substitute the main character with Gordon Freeman and Russo-Mongolian empire with Combine, and keep shooting. The idea of 50 years war is stupid, but apart from that the alternative history stuff works pretty well. The ending of the game is disappointing and strange though. Overall, IS is not a great game, it reminds on a mix of several games (SoF, CoD, HL) but is not as good as any of them. But it is a sufficiently good game, quality-wise getting close to SoF1 and reminding on it really much. If you don't mind retro gaming and bad graphics, IS is easy to recommend as an above average old school shooter. Another plus for some people could be that you can switch between the 1st and 3rd person view at any time.