There's laffs, laffs and more laffs!!!

User Rating: 8.5 | Jackass the Game PS2
Jackass is a great t.v series and when i heard they were bringing out a game of Jackass i knew i had to get it.There are alot of funny and stupid stunts to do in the game my favourite one being the Pachinko Precipice where you role down a massive sandy cliff where you can smash into rocks, role into cacktuses and generly hurt yourself.

There are a couple of bad things...
1) the stupid requirments on the levels
2) you cant play as weeman
3) you have to unlock bam margera
4) some levels frustrate you to the point where your brain blows up.
5) unrealistic cuz you don't die on some levels where you would die doing in real life.

Finally, M.T.V did an amazing job with this game and it is definitely worth the money. The characters are great, the extra costumes are great, the levels are great , the 2 player mode is great and the game is great!!