Jade Empire is definetly an Xbox Delight, despite a dissapointing ending and the taint of KOTOR on this beautiful game.

User Rating: 8.7 | Jade Empire: Hisui no Teikoku XBOX
Having been a Star Wars fan for as long as I can remember, and having beaten KOTOR when that was released, I was very excited to venture into BioWares new Colsole endeavour. I was a little dissapointed at the beginning, because there was no save to memory card feature in the bios, so I had to start over numerous times on multiple xBoxes until I was finally back on mine. But, as much as that was an inconvenience, it allowed me to play through a few of the characters at the beginning to get a feel for who and what I wanted to be for playing this game. With over 6 characters to choose from (if you have the Limited Edition you get Monk Zeng, it doesn't factor into the game, you can live with him or live without him). The graphics were amazing, if not a little flat for current xBox games. It doesn't look quite as good as games like Halo or the current roster of Baseball games, but it is definetly on par with the average game on the console. The plot was very enthralling and I was kept right into the middle of it, and with the trademark BioWare 'Good And Evil' was very sweet. Let's just say I persued something that was just a little unorthodoxed and thanks to BioWare, it worked. The voice acting was a little on the bland side, and the cutscene animations were all reused from KOTOR, partly good and partly bad. Other than that, I did almost 95% of side quests and the main story, and it was just a tad over 20 hours, just a little short for my taste. Overall, it's a pretty good game, would be better for those not interested in the KOTOR series and want to try something fresh. New Real-Time battles made this experience fast paced and fun filled.