Take your time and kick some teeth in too!!
User Rating: 9.6 | Jade Empire: Hisui no Teikoku XBOX
This is a great game. Let me state two problems. Minor camera issues, normally during dialogue sequences. The block button can easily be considered a waste of time. Now the good stuff. Truly a beautiful game. I wandered around just to look at things. I talked to everyone just because I was wandering through the town anyway. The story is great, the character development is marvelous. People talk about finishing this game in 20 hours miss the beauty of this game. Take your time and appreciate the level of detail thrown in there. The fights are just solid fun. I wish there had been more of them, to be honest. It doesn't random generate monsters as much as I'd like, because you have so many different fighting styles to choose from and only so many fights to use them on. The block button is fun to play with, but usually easier just to leap away. In general I've found the fights to be easy, but I'm okay with that. You're supposed to be the toughest around, so if you play smart it plays like that. This is not a true rpg, think of it as an action rpg. No inventory really, and you don't upgrade your teammates. But I liked this. You're not constantly looking for items in your inventory, or chugging health potions. Here you have focus and chi, and like your health bar, if used it dwindles away druing fights. The 8.3 it received here was unfair, in my opinion. Comparing this game to other Bioware rpg's is unfair. I consider this to be a step forward, not a step back. As always with Bioware, it's the story that pulls you along to the end....and this world has a great story to tell.