It is one that will be hard to put down for any one who likes KOTR 1 and 2. Same story but better gaming then others

User Rating: 9.3 | Jade Empire: Hisui no Teikoku XBOX
Fantastic game for the classic RPG buff and people who want to try RPG's. It is a nice blend of classic RPG style with immersive fighting that will get the ho hums from just following the story. The Characters are a little disappointing in their faces I have seen better looking people in older games but the scenery and the blending of the characters with it is great. When you fight in areas you can fall on a table and break it and then pick up a leg and beat your opponent with it. But you can't break the table unless you are in a fight, and you don't keep the table leg, (which after the fight you really have no use for anyway). Learning new moves is easy to do, you just buy most of them or you can find or win them. The game itself is easy to learn and gives you plenty of options to play again with differant characters in different styles of your choice. The music is great where I normally turn some off on games because it gets annoying, where this music is played soft most of the time and works beautifully with the game itself. All in all this is a great game one to pick up off the shelf and bring it home for hours of daily enjoyment.