A satisfying RPG-Lite game with fun action elements

User Rating: 8.6 | Jade Empire: Hisui no Teikoku XBOX
I used the limited edition Monk character to play through the main story and as many side quests as I could manage to uncover. I followed the open-palm, or nice-guy storyline, and it must have taken me over 30 hours to finish the game. And when it was over, and I looked back on what I had done, and found it was a very fun game to play with a pretty good story. Some of the side quests were a lot of fun and different than the usual "fetch-item" type quests. The storyline was really timed well in that everytime I felt like I was getting tired with one area, the story would move along, and I would find myself in a whole new area to explore. I'm one of those RPG players who likes to explore every area of the map, and take my time doing so, and while it was a little light in that area, I still had a fun time playing. The graphics, sound, spoken dialog, and music were all top-notch. The only technical glitch I noticed was sometimes during the cutscenes the camera would center not on the person talking, but some other random spot around them. But with as good as it was, I still did not enjoy it as much as I did KOTOR two years ago. It felt a little too light for my tastes and was missing something. In Summary - Worth playing but don't believe all the hype (sometimes I thought I was playing Shenmue 3)