Very engaging game, with a lot to offer the player.
User Rating: 9.3 | Jade Empire: Hisui no Teikoku XBOX
Jade Empire, what a fun filled game to play. Let me address my biggest complaint with this game right away, the invisible walls, and the loading times, and the characers abilities to fight well. I have a major issue with the loading times, even though the loading times in games like KOTOR, i thought they were long, these load times are ridiculously long, i mean, i went to go make some popcorn, and i came back, and it was still loading. I swear, anyways, this game is worth while. Now let me address the characters ability to fight well, now in KOTOR, the character's in that game knew how to fight, it was easy to just let them go at it, but in this game, i love the real-time element. Anyways, the character's, they die too easliy, i mean, remember that guardian that inhabits that little girl's body, well when u fight him, he's not easy, but not hard, but when u get him as a party member, he's suddenly stupid and weak, and all that, it pisses me off. Let me address my final complaint with this game, the invisible walls, i'm in pain, everytime i see an invisible wall, i hope when the 360 comes out, they will learn that load times are bad. Anyways, the game is excellent, storyline, kinda played out, but engaging, worth while combat, not to goo level progression, but a very fun game, and worth the price.