Of course, what would (or perhaps should) you expect from Bioware. Some of Canada's finest were back at work in our favourite genre (RPGs in case your a little behind) to make this game one of the cest of the year. The story, while it contains fairly standard RPG themes, is new to us. Never before has a game given us the complexity of an oriental setting that was this successful. The story caused me to really care about the area and what was happening to the people in the world. It was really well done. The graphics were really good, much like KOTOR (that deserves a duh!). The only things that I didn't like were the civilians suddenly appearing as you approached a new area. Haven't we gotten past this by now? I'm pretty sure, and it was a little dissappointing. The other "problem" was the hazy appearance to everything. I just didn't like it. That said, these points were minor and did not detract from the overall game. The sound was good. Enough said. Gameplay was great. Being able to rapidly (for the most part) change styles was very inovative and was an essentail part of the game, unlike KOTOR 2 (I realize it wasn't Bioware, but you get the idea). I really liked having to decide what styles I would use and how much I would master them. But...I'm not convinced that the method they used for changing styles was the best. I certainly am not in a position to give a better way, but there was just something not inuitive enough when you wanted to change which styles were in your hot buttons. The hot buttons themselves were very easy to use, even though the style would delay before starting. This game is definitely worth buying. Perhaps a mutliplayer component in the form of sparring at a school would have been fun. Pick this up.
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