Best RPG to date for the XBOX. Think KOTOR, only with better graphics, storyline, music and voice acting.

User Rating: 9.4 | Jade Empire: Hisui no Teikoku XBOX
One of the great things about JADE is that you don't have any "preconceived" ideas about how the story "should be." Everything in regards to the storyline is not familiar. From the same company that brought us KOTOR, this time BIOWARE was able to tell a new story, the way they wanted, without some of the boring areas that bog down most RPG's. In JADE, you're not constantly "Buying and Selling Items, or talking to a million people who have nothing to say or offer to the storyline." And just when you think you've got the STORY figured out, another wrench comes in. The Music is perfect, the voice acting well done (Including John Cleese who appears later in the game). The visuals and graphics for an RPG are top notch. If KOTOR 2 bored the crap out of you, like it did'll regain your confidence in RPG storytelling with JADE EMPIRE