Apart from the loading times, great game!
SOUND: The game's music really adds up to the whole feel of the game, classic Chinese music. The voice-acting is superb too, and really isn't rushed at all. Every character really has it's own personality thanks to the voice-acting.
GAMEPLAY: With many styles and combinations of styles, Jade Empire really let's you decide how you want to fight, you want to fight melee? You fight melee. You want to fight with magic? You fight with magic. Too bad the game doesn't really depends on your choices for the good (Way of the Open Palm) and the bad (Way of the Closed Fist), like it really affected you and your party in Knights of the Old Republic, which was also by Bioware.
REPLAY: Since the game let's you decide your own style of playing, it also invites you to play the game again with a different style once you're finished, you can choose from a few types of characters with different appearances too, so you can replay again with a different character. Also you can only take on Follower (Party member, basicly) to follow you around, though the game has 9 followers who help you in combat, and 3 who aid you in different ways (Merchant etc.). My personal favorite is Wild Flower, a small girl who hosts two demons, a good one and a evil one. Later in the game you will have to choose which of the demons you find more important thus choosing to help the girl or basicly destroy her for the demons, but I won't tell anymore because I don't want to spoil anything.
OVERALL: Really, if you are a fan of Action RPG's, you simply must buy this game, it is a great game, which really will get you in it's grip. Buy it, seriously.