Jade Empire isn't bad, but a couple things could have been improved to make it better.
The gameplay is rather solid, but a bit ''dry and bland'' in the action department. There are frequent battles, but if you're like me, you''l be asking where all the action is. Battles, excluding boss fights, take two or three minutes, five tops. I would like more groups of decently skilled enemies to come up more often, because by the time you go up a couple levels, you are feeling tired and bored.
The graphics are pretty, despite a lack of blood and gore. I like red to adorn the land after I kill my enemies, but very rarely do you get to see blood.
And the only really bad thing about this game is the fact that there seems to be more reading and storyline then blood and fighting. This is a good game, but I suggest you rent this first, so you don't feel cheated later,
not that I did, I'm just saying.
8.5 out of 10