this game is a awsome experience that any RPG fan must experience.

User Rating: 9.2 | Jade Empire: Hisui no Teikoku XBOX
Graphics: absolutely sepectacular, this game pushes the xbox's hardware.
its style and look is unique, and even though a upgrade of the KOTOR graphics, th animations are much better and smoother. but oen thing that stops it from 10 is it does slow down and skip sometimes, but it does nothing to really ruin gameplay.

Gameplay: this RPG has some excellent gameplay, the fighting lets someone get into it quick and fast with them knowing it has RPG elements in it. this games replay value is also excellent, plus the story is so good that you want to play through it again to find out what you could do differently.

fighting does tend to get easy and you do end up doing the same thing for every enemy. jump, slash, jump, slash. kinda gets repetetive.

sound: great, goes with the Chinese setting, only problem is the people dont really sound Chinese?

Value: you get your money's worth with this title, triple A