Just a fun RPG for the xbox with interesting charecters and unique play.

User Rating: 8.3 | Jade Empire: Hisui no Teikoku XBOX
This game doesnt require the cunning of a chess champion nor does it consume you whole-heartedly into its mouth for days on end but... it has a big heart and the game pulls it off with great gameplay and interesting characters.

This game is no Final fantasy, it lacks epic greatness, I would rate this the best RPG (aside morrowind as morrowind is in a class of its own) for the xbox, above the Star wars kotor games as this was more fun to play although very much like Fable, sudeki and kotor they all basically use the same system/engine and they play for the same amount of time, which is usually little over 20 hours. Poor on value!!

That really annoys me about the xbox, games like morrowind exploited its superior hardware but games producers were just happy churning out games that only just made the grade, they are, on the face of it, good, solid games, but they lack that masterpiece quality like many RPG's on other formats could consistently produce.

Thes storyline is okay, I would use the term kiddy, I really enjoyed this game but if your reading this then i would say play it through once, then sell it and put that money towards Final fantasy 7 or 8 or even Suikoden 1 or 2 or perhaps even Chrono trigger or Cross, the xbox was a let down for the RPG genre, Boo Hoo Microsoft, pull your finger out with the 360 otherwise we could see another tide of forgettable RPG's,,,

Haha, I know i'm going on but okay this game is good for enjoyment but I believe RPG's are like books and should be judged on thier quality of depth and this is like a wheres wally/waldo book, just fun, lots of colours and your bound to find alot of interesting characters.