Not the best Bioware effort, but a good game to play nevertheless
Gameplay: While the action does become a bit repetitive after some time, I generally forgave that cos the story is excellent. There are plenty of twists and turns that make you sit up an go "Why did'nt I notice that?". The fights for most parts is generally very easy and well paced. I did have some bugs where I got stuck in furniture and fittings, but it is rare and usually solved with a Quickload. And I could'nt believe it when I encountered the same sex romance between my char & the NPCs. No many developers will have allowed that and i tip my hat off to Bioware.
Graphics & Sound: I generally forgave the graphics cos its a 2 yaer game. There are some obvious flaws but hey, graphics dnt make the game and the general environment and fighting animations look good anyway. The sound is excellent however, with terrific voice acting and background music that really immerse you into the game.
Value: For its price, you can get around 60+ hours of gameplay playing with male/female chars and Open Palm/Closed Fist style. Seems like good value to me.