If you enjoyed playing Jak 2...thens theres no dought you will love Jak 3!! It brings an end to the Jak series...and let me tell you...it ends with a bang! I personally didnt like the first Jak game..no guns =[ ... but Jak 3 had guns, and lots of them! Jak 3 was not a disapointer...exept for the story line that seems to short...but lets just say i didnt stop playing this game..once i got it...exept for sleep...so that might have been it...but anyway there were also parts that could take, even an expert a few trys to beat...all in all if you loved Jak 2..then you will certainlly love Jak 3!
THE GOOD :Freedom:A lot of weapons: A load of vehicles to chose from: A lot of things to unlock:The places you visit feel alive:Great graphics: Funny moments: You can fly and do other things!:You can blow up things!!!... Read Full Review
Jak 3 offers the last game in the trilogy which offers more than both of its counterpart games, put together! Once again, the storyline in this game is still amazing and very interesting. It offers a whole new set of ... Read Full Review